Help: Braille Lite 18 Advance bar left/right: full window left/right 1: line up / 4: line down 3: character left / 6: character right 235: line start / 256: line end 123: top left / 456: bottom left 1236: next virtual terminal / 3456: previous VT 234: search forward / 156: search backward (use cut to set search string) 12356: next prompt / 23456: previous prompt (same prompt as current line) 1345: next paragraph / 1246: previous paragraph (line after blank line) 2: keyboard left arrow / 5: keyboard right arrow 23: keyboard up arrow / 56: keyboard down arrow 12 chord: keyboard backspace 145 chord: keyboard delete 2345 chord: keyboard tab 46 chord: keyboard return 246 chord: keyboard escape 125: home (goto cursor) 1256: goto cursor previous position 14: cursor tracking (toggle) 124 chord: freeze screen (toggle) 1456: help mode (toggle) 12456: learn mode (key describer) (toggle) 34: status mode (toggle) 24: attribute display (toggle) 2346: six dots mode (toggle) 245 chord: route cursor to beginning of line 45 chord: route cursor to current line 236 chord: cut start 126 chord: cut append 356 chord: cut end rectangular 16 chord: cut end linear 1234 chord: paste 36: speak line 134: mute speech 1235 chord: restart braille driver 25 chord: preferences options: 134: menu 1235: reset 234: save 1356: cancel Chord required for *dangerous* commands, e.g. routing, cut/paste, restart driver, etc. Internal: 1245 chord: position internal cursor for column-specific function: To move internal cursor: 125: centre of window 235: left end of window 256: right end of window 3: character left 6: character right Advance bar left/right: quarter window left/right To terminate: 236 chord: cut start 126 chord: cut append 356 chord: cut end rectangular 16 chord: cut end linear 24: describe attributes of selected character 1356: cancel k chord toggles keyboard emulation mode - initially off. When on, unchorded characters passed directly to inskey(), unless prefixed by: u chord: uppercase (twice to lock) q chord: unlock 26 chord: add 8th dot to next char typed 35 chord: prepend ESCAPE to next character (ALT) x chord: control character z chord: cancel preceding meta/control Other internals: 2356 chord: rotate BrailleLite by 180 degrees o chord: set repeat count for following command (up to 2digits). Type numbers, then type movement command or character (if in keyboard emulation). z chord: cancels special context. e chord: confirms count and waits for key to repeat. Goto virtual terminal: use o chord, followed by VT number, followed by v chord or # chord. Set/goto mark: use o chord followed by # followed by s to set or m to go.